How to Stop Bleeding Gums Before Seeing Your Dentist

Do Your Gums Bleed When You Brush or Floss?

You might find yourself ignoring this problem because it isn’t painful and doesn’t seem serious, which is possible. Though, bleeding gums can also be calling your attention to a budding health issue.

Gums can bleed for various reasons, including aggressive brushing. But some causes may require immediate treatment. The best way to find out if bleeding gums indicate a problem is by seeing your dentist for a comprehensive oral examination.

Finding out the root cause will help you identify the appropriate solutions. However, there are things you can try to reduce bleeding gums before your dental appointment. Here's a list.

  1. Boost Your Oral Hygiene Routine

    And by "boosting," we don’t mean brushing harder. Gums can bleed due to poor oral hygiene.

    Without proper brushing and flossing, food particles build up on teeth and the gum line and cause irritation. They form a bacteria-laden film called “plaque,” which can spread to other teeth and progress to tooth decay or gum disease.

    Plaque naturally forms, but you can keep it from accumulating and inflaming the gums with good dental care habits.

    Brushing and flossing prevent food debris from clinging to tooth surfaces and gums. These habits protect, strengthen, and restore gum health, preventing bleeding gums.

  2. Rinse With Warm Saltwater

    Saltwater can help remove plaque and debris from tooth surfaces and the gum line. It has healing and antibacterial properties that can aid in reducing inflammation and bleeding gums.

    You can prepare this at home by mixing half a teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water. Use the mixture to rinse your mouth for 15–30 seconds. You may do so up to three times a day.

    Note, however, that a saltwater rinse isn't a cure for gum disease. If you're seeing signs of gum inflammation, it's still necessary to schedule an appointment with your dentist to have your mouth checked.

  3. Floss and Brush Gently

    You might be tempted to skip flossing and brushing, thinking they cause your gums to bleed. But doing so can only hurt your gums further. Instead, assess and improve your flossing and brushing techniques.

    Be gentle when cleaning your teeth because too much pressure can lead to enamel loss and gum injuries. Also, the gum can bleed due to the buildup of plaque and tartar.

    If deposits from food aren't removed, they can trigger sensitivity and gum bleeding. Floss daily to get rid of particles stuck between teeth and on the gums. Then, brush your teeth for at least 2 minutes and cover all areas.

  4. Use the Right Dental Tools

    Gums can also bleed due to inappropriate tools. Your toothbrush bristles, for example, might be too harsh on your teeth and gums, or you might not be removing debris effectively because you're struggling with your floss.

    Consider switching to a soft-bristled toothbrush to reduce the risk of dental abrasion or an electric toothbrush to maintain a consistent brushing intensity.

    If you find regular floss thread difficult to use, you may try a dental floss picker. It may be easier for you to hold and use and, as a result, get rid of more debris.

  5. Rinse With an Antibacterial Mouthwash

    Bleeding gums are an early sign of gum disease. Adding an antibacterial mouthwash to your oral hygiene regimen can help boost your gum health.

    These mouthwash types are formulated to help get rid of harmful bacteria in the mouth and reduce gum sensitivity and bad breath.

    Chlorhexidine mouthwash, a type of prescription antibacterial mouthwash, was proven to effectively reduce gingival bleeding in various studies mentioned in this research.

    Opt for an alcohol-free rinse because alcohol can dry out the mouth, leave a burning sensation, and worsen bleeding gums.

    Checking which oral care products are recognized by dental authorities can also help.

  6. Avoid Unhealthy Habits

    Unhealthy habits, such as a high intake of starchy and sugary foods as well as smoking, can trigger bleeding gums.

    Harmful bacteria love to feast on starch and sugar, increasing their chances of multiplying. Try to add more fruits and vegetables into your diet to increase your vitamin C intake and help get rid of plaque and deposits in your mouth.

    Vitamin C is beneficial in maintaining good gum and oral health, and crunchy, fibrous, and leafy vegetables can serve as natural mouth cleaners.

    Smoking is another significant contributor to mouth disease. Quitting smoking is a tough and long journey, but taking small steps a day goes a long way toward reversing gum disease, keeping gums from bleeding, and boosting your oral health.

    Our professional team at Embrace Dental Care can guide and support you on your smoking cessation journey.

Don't Ignore Bleeding Gums: Have Your Mouth Checked by Your Dentist

The gums are often overlooked as part of good oral health, but their role cannot be underestimated. The gums secure and protect teeth, tissues, nerves, and bones. They keep harmful bacteria out.

Bleeding gums can be a sign something’s wrong, so be sure to let your dentist know about it. Partner with your dental team to stop it before potential issues progress.

To request a dental checkup in SE, Calgary, contact us at Embrace Dental Care. Our staff can respond to your inquiries about dental visits and help you arrange a consultation with one of our dentists.